In this artifact, I embarked on the creation of an animated instructional video as part of an IDT 7160 course on multimedia studio practices. Leveraging my creative skills and expertise in multimedia production, I endeavored to develop a compelling instructional resource that would captivate learners’ attention and foster deeper engagement with the subject matter.
Choosing Cincinnati Style Chili as the topic for the instructional video provided an opportunity to infuse humor and creativity into the learning experience. Through a minimalistic and light-hearted design approach, I aimed to make the topic approachable and interesting, ensuring that learners would be motivated to actively participate in the learning process. By incorporating vibrant visuals, relatable narratives, and playful animations, I sought to create an immersive learning environment that resonated with learners of diverse backgrounds and preferences.
Moreover, all assets used in the video, ranging from illustrations to animations, were meticulously crafted by me or licensed for use, highlighting my proficiency in multimedia production and design. By adhering to best practices in instructional design and multimedia development, I strived to create an instructional resource that not only conveyed the requisite information but also left a lasting impression on learners, inspiring them to delve deeper into the subject matter.