
This project served as a culmination of my learning journey in instructional design and technology, specifically focusing on designing blended online learning experiences. Drawing upon my expertise as a subject matter expert, I meticulously crafted a three-week Canvas course on film appreciation, infusing it with interactive elements and multimedia content to engage learners effectively.

Throughout the development process, I embraced the principles of instructional design models such as ADDIE and ARCS. By leveraging these frameworks, I ensured that each module of the course was meticulously designed to address specific learning objectives while maintaining learner engagement. For instance, I integrated assignments that encouraged students to develop their film soundtracks, thereby highlighting the significance of audio in film production. Additionally, I designed activities where students captured their images to demonstrate their understanding of key concepts, fostering active learning and creativity.

Furthermore, the inclusion of various multimedia projects, including videos, screencasts, and audio assignments, showcased my ability to utilize a diverse range of media tools to enhance the learning experience. These projects not only demonstrated my proficiency in creating a digital learning environment but also underscored my proficiency in utilizing additional media skills acquired over the years, such as videography and audio production.